Sunday, December 20, 2009

Starting to Age

"20 years from now, i see myself physically much weaker but with loads of experience,on which no one would act upon. Sighing at the sight of the speed of the world on that day.My spirit would make the task at hand (Crossing the road) seem easier but my body would drag... "

This could well be the situation of the senior citizens of India,today. Only a small percentage of the aged in India enjoy the comfort that they deserve or say, require badly at that age.

Even the Old-Upper Middle Class cannot always have the comfort  of their cars or their kids presence.

India is ageing,no doubt.... But is India planning enough to meet the needs of the ageing population?
What are other countries doing to ensure that their senior citizens do not curse or feel being left out of the progress ?

Now that i am starting to age, I must find out what my government and citizens are planning to bail my aged days out of seclusion and inactivity.

I know we wont be heard when our voices are frail .. Join me in thinking, writing and alerting the ageing Indian policy makers of the need to build a liveable infrastructure for Ageing India!